
Power Electronics Important Question







1. Define Thyristor And Specify The Various Type Of Thyristor

2. Explain The Need For Drive And Buffer Circuits for thyristor

3. Define forward break over voltage and reverse blocking region

4. State the important of thyristor rating

5. Draw the symbols of SCS,SUS and SBS

6. State the requirement of gate triggering

7. Define DV/DT And DI/DT

8. Explain natural commutation



 1.Explain the principle operation of SCR

 2. Explain the principle operation of IGBT 

 3. Explain the principle operation of MOSFET

 4. a) Explain the principle operation of GTO

 b) Explain RC full wave trigger circuit

 5.a) Explain the operation of LASER

 b) Explain drive and buffer circuit for thyristor

 6.Explain class C and D commutation with diagram

 7.Ramp triggering



1.Define phase controlled rectifier and specify its applications

2.define rectifying mode and inversion mode

3.How is phase controlled rectifier classified

4.Explain AC to AC convertor With DC links

5. Explain snubber circuit 

6.Explain di/dt protection


1.Explain single phase dual converter with R load

2.Explain three phase fully controller bridge converter with RL load

3.Explain single phase fully controller bridge converter with R load

4.Explain three phase half controller bridge converter with RL load

5. Explain the circuit diagram of half wave controlled rectifier with R load

6.Fully wave controlled rectifier with R load



 1.state the disadvantages of frequency modulation control over pulse with 


 2.Define line commutated inverter and force commutated inverter 

 3. Define step up chopper And step down chopper

 4.compare online UPS and offline UPS

 5.State the applications of an inverter


1. Explain step up chopper And step down chopper 

2. Explain circuit & wave form of class A &class B chopper

3. Explain diagram of online UPS and offline UPS

4. Jones chopper, morgan chopper

5. MC murray bed ford full bridge inverter 

6. SMPS 

7. Explain operation of parallel inverter

8. Explain120* &180* conduction



 1. Write the basic equations used for speed control & torque control of DC 

 2. Explain PLL control of dc drive

 3. Define DC drive & state its applications

 4 .Draw the circuit diagram of three phase semi converter drive 

 5.How is microprocessor used for control the speed of DC motor 


1. Operation of chopper fed DC series motor

2. Block diagram of closed loop control of DC drives

3. Explain operation of single phase dual converter drives 

4. Operation of micro processor based closed loop control of DC drive

5. a) Explain separately Excited DC motor

b)Explain single phase full converter

 6. explain three phase semi converter




 1. Draw torque speed characteristics 

 2. Explain switch mode compensator

 3. What is closed loop control of AC drive

 4. Specify the various types of speed control of IM


1. Thyristor controlled inductor ,thyristor switched capacitor

2. Single phase bridge cyclo converter

3. Stator voltage control using AC voltage controller

4. Microcomputer Based PWM control of IM Drive

5. Explain static var compensator

6. explain slip power recovery scheme

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